
Many studies on the emergence and functioning of autolexical terms in the language today are based on cognitive methods and approaches to learning special vocabulary. This is not surprising, because the features of the development of the system of autolexical concepts, as well as the place of field terms in scientific knowledge, allow to explain not only the reasons for the formation and development of the terminology of the field of a certain direction, but also the ways of expressing knowledge in semantics and in the form of terminological units. This article discusses the study of autolexical terminologies from a cognitive point of view is that such studies allow us to consider the problems of the interaction of language and thinking from a new point of view, to the scope of the study of language development in connection with the dynamics of scientific knowledge in general. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to develop scientific knowledge without establishing new concepts in the language system. This article clearly shows that many phenomena in auto terminology can be explained and studied using a cognitive approach.

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