
Academic training schemes reviewed: implications for the future development of our researchers and educators.

. Medical education, 42 (2): 164-9 (Februar 2008)5853<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>JID: 7605655; RF: 39; 2007/12/19 aheadofprint; ppublish;.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2007.02978.x


CONTEXT: There is an international crisis in academic medicine: numbers of academics are low; there is a split between teaching and research, and career progression is poorly defined. In the UK, academic career pathways have recently been reformed, but there is little readily accessible information on what a high-quality academic training scheme might comprise. METHODS: I conducted a wide review of medical and bio-psychosocial databases, coupled with a search of the grey literature. RESULTS: The review suggests both widespread support for training in research and dissatisfaction with training schemes. Insufficient training time is a major issue. High-quality supervision is crucial, with clear goals and expectations for research fellows. Structured training seems to be helpful, as is financial, administrative and statistical support. However, the vast majority of studies give a broad overview or opinion, or report the superficial results of questionnaire surveys. The focus is on research training; teaching is ignored. CONCLUSIONS: Although there appears to be broad agreement on a number of issues, the literature lacks sufficient depth, and little is known about factors that contribute to effective academic training schemes. Schemes must be studied in depth to determine what makes them successful, in order to ensure the future of teaching and research.

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