
Cloud Based Suburban Railway Ticket Booking and Validating System for Android Phone

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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 3 (6): 79-81 (Mai 2015)


In today’s scenario booking suburban railway ticket is time consuming when compared to booking long journey tickets because later can be done through the Internet in the form of 'E-ticket’ but there is no such provision for buying suburban tickets . Hence the “Cloud based suburban railway ticket booking and validating system for Android phone” can be used to buy a ticket with a smart phone. This system enables one to carry the ticket in his smart phone. User's ticket information is stored on the server side. The ticket will be produced in the form of a Unique Identification Number (UID). The user will have to create his account on his first visit and recharge his account then he can use this balance for future transactions. To bestow security to this application Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) is used. Also the ticket checker is provided with a checker application to validate the user's UID ticket. Thus this application basically aims at making the task of buying suburban tickets much easier by saving time as people no longer have to stand in queues. Also job of the ticket checker becomes less tedious



  • @ijisme_beiesp

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