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    The z2-Environment is an open source infrastructure to develop, configure, and run standard Java solutions without build infrastructure nor deployment procedures and so reduces development operations costs significantly. During development and maintenance you do not need to have a local build environment installed that complements your source code. The z2-Environment rebuilds Java sources as required and selectively from your development workspace leading to fast development roundtrips and consistent deployments, and ultimately to minimized integration pains.
    12 years ago by @gresch

    Free, easy to setup wikis, blogs, forums and many other web applications that you can run locally or in the cloud. BitNami makes deploying server software a simple and enjoyable process.
    15 years ago by @gresch

    ProtoJ is a pure java build, installation and deployment library that hands control over to you. There's no third-party ProtoJ application directory to maintain, no environment variables to set up and absolutely no other required software. Simply add the ProtoJ library to your project and get ready to experience the joy of a friction-free development cycle. So why not give ProtoJ a try right now, it really is as easy as 1-2-3: 1. Download the ProtoJ executable jar file. 2. Create a new "basic" project by executing java -jar protoj-exe-jdk5-1.9.2.jar -sample basic. 3. Try a few commands from the basic/bin directory: ./ compile archive hello-basic. When you're feeling more adventurous take a look at the jboss demonstration that demonstrates how ProtoJ can be used to build, store persistent configurations and launch a jboss project with considerable ease. You may be amazed at how easy this is to accomplish: not because ProtoJ is rocket science, but because it is based on java rather than xml. Features to Enhance Any Project ProtoJ abandons build scripts. It's "unique selling point" is that all use-cases are accessible in-code through the api, with just one call to Java in just one starter script! If you ever wished you could get rid of your build scripts then look no further: ProtoJ is targeted at you!!! ProtoJ is part of your project. You don't have to hide away use-cases related to the build inside some xml file, to be handled by some other tool merely at the start of your project life-cycle. Compilation and jar creation for example belong to your project just as much as your core business use-cases and are accessible at build-time through to run-time. ProtoJ plays nicely with maven. ProtoJ uses a traditional lib directory and support for filling it up from a maven repository is provided right out of the box. And going in the other direction, you can easily deploy your project artifacts to a maven repository so that they can be shared with other ivy or maven projects. Or indeed with other ProtoJ projects! ProtoJ plays nicely with aspectj. Aspectj compiler support can be enabled with just a single method call, as can support for load-time-weaving. Then just drop your .aj files alongside your .java files and they will be picked up by the ajc compiler without any additional aspectj installation. ProtoJ is available on all major platforms. Each release of ProtoJ is subjected to rigorous testing on Linux (Ubuntu), Unix (Mac OS X) and Windows (XP) and also on Java 5 and Java 6. If you work with any other platform then you can easily check for compatibility by following the instructions in the BuildingFromSource page.
    15 years ago by @gresch

    Impala allows you to divide a large Spring-based application into a hierarchy of modules. These modules can be dynamically added, updated or removed. Because Impala-based applications are genuinely modular, they are much easier to maintain than vanilla Spring applications. Impala radically boosts productivity of Spring application development. This is enabled by the dynamic module loading capability, the seamless integration with Eclipse, and the efficient mechanisms for running Spring integration tests, both individually and within suites. When writing applications you only rarely need to restart your JVM, allowing your application changes to be reflected almost instantly. No long restart waits required! Impala also features a build system, based on ANT, and dependency management capabilities, which you can optionally use. For up to date news on development of Impala, see the project blog. Impala is developed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Scannotation is a Java library that creates an annotation database from a set of .class files. This database is really just a set of maps that index what annotations are used and what classes are using them. Why do you need this? What if you are an annotation framework like an EJB 3.0 container and you want to automatically scan your classpath for EJB annotations so that you know what to deploy? Scannotation gives you apis that allow you to find archives in your classpath or WAR (web application) that you want to scan, then automatically scans them without loading each and every class within those archives There are really 3 main classes to Scannotation: ClasspathUrlFinder, WarUrlFinder, and AnnotationDB. The first step in scanning for annotations is declaring what archives or what parts of your classpath you want to scan in. ClasspathUrlFinder has various ways to automatically find the URLs that make up your classpath. WarUrlFinder is similar but provides ways to get things from your WAR lib directory. Once you find the URLs that make up your classpath, you feed them to AnnotationDB to scan and index. Its best to read the javadocs
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Jawr is a tunable packaging solution for Javascript and CSS which allows for rapid development of resources in separate module files. Developers can work with a large set of split javascript files in development mode, then Jawr bundles all together into one or several files in a configurable way. By using a tag library, Jawr allows you to use the same, unchanged pages for development and production. Jawr also minifies and compresses the files, resulting in reduced page load times.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Deployer is an Eclipse plug-in to deploy files in remote servers, using SSH. It uses SFtp protocol to transfer the files. Support for other protocols is a planned feature. It's written in Java and released under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Deployer was originaly coded to aviod the manual upload of jar files to my server every time I made a modification. It adds a Preferences page to the resources to set the deployment information (server, remote path, user and password), and a submenu with a Deploy action.
    17 years ago by @gresch

    IzPack is an installers generator for the Java platform. It produces lightweight installers that can be run on any operating system where a Java virtual machine is available. Depending on the operating system, it can be launched by a double-click or a simple java -jar installer.jar from a shell. The most common use is to distribute applications for the Java platform, but you can also use it for other kinds of projects. The main benefit of IzPack is that it provides a clean and unique way of distributing a project to users using different operating systems. IzPack is reported to run on:
    17 years ago by @gresch

    Sin is a framework for implementing Continuous Integration on top of the Subversion version control system. Read a short introduction to Sin here and take a guided tour of Sin.
    18 years ago by @gresch

    SmartFrog is a technology for describing distributed software systems as collections of cooperating components, and then activating and managing them. It was developed at HP Labs in Bristol, in the UK. The core SmartFrog framework is released under LGPL.
    18 years ago by @gresch
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