
Rating Process and Criteria - NewsGuard


The 9 criteria of Newsguard determining wether a source on the internet is to be labelled green, red, satire or platform: 1) Does not repeatedly publish false content 22 p 2) Gathers and presents information responsibly 18 p 3) Regularly corrects or clarifies errors 12,5 p 4) Handles the difference between news and opinion responsibly 12,5 p 5) Avoids deceptive headlines 10 p 6) Website discloses ownership and financing 7,5 p 7) Clearly labels advertising 7,5 p 8) Reveals who’s in charge, including possible conflicts of interest 5 p 9) The site provides the names of content creators, along with either contact or biographical information 5 p

A site with a score of 60 points or higher receives a Green rating. A site with a score lower than 60 points receives a Red rating. Platforms and satire sites are given separate designations and are not assessed using the nine criteria.




  • @mikaelbook

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