
Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and the Collapsing Free Syrian Army


Paul Jay: "There's an organization called Enigma, which is a lobby--sort of lobby intelligence military group that is funded mostly by American military-industrial complex companies--Raytheons and Lockheed Martins and such. And the president of it had an editorial a few weeks of days ago which says that Saudi Arabia must be included in the P5+1 negotiations with Iran and literally threatens at the end of it that. And I have to say, this organization's led by former heads of, for example, the Emirates air force and very, very senior officers from the various militaries of the GCC countries, those particularly allied with the Saudis, not so much Qatar. And at the end of this piece he says that if Saudi Arabia is not included in the P5+1, the negotiations with Iran, look out. I mean, I don't have the quote in front of me, but it's hellfire and brimstone are coming. I mean, the Saudis have--you know, maybe they're in a somewhat desperate situation. They're going to lose their leverage here."




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