
CLASSICS-L Archives -- June 2003, week 3 (#202)


The TLG Canon currently includes 3657 authors from Homer to the fall of Byzantium. Approximately 1000 of them do not have texts in the corpus--the texts are in various stages of digitization or correction but will eventually be added. The TLG corpus contains approximately 8,000 files. Many of these files represent work collections (e.g. Anthologia Graeca), therefore, we have no way of estimating the exact number of actual works. A rough estimate: 11,000. The number of words is another difficult question to answer because it depends of what one defines as a word (e.g. should partial words be included?) Again, a rough estimate would be 84 million (currently in the online version). For the period from Homer to 2 AD the TLG contains 1719 authors, an approximate total of 20 million words.




  • @filologanoga

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