
AI and Trust | Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs


This essay was originally presented at an AI Cyber Lunch on September 20, 2023, at Harvard Kennedy School. By Bruce Schneier , published by the Belfer Center:.

Artificial intelligence systems, controlled by corporations, will confuse and undermine the trust that is essential to a well-functioning society..... " we tend to assume that something's implementation is the same as its interface. That is, we assume that things are the same on the inside as they are on the surface. Humans are like that: we're people through and through. A government is systemic and bureaucratic on the inside. You're not going to mistake it for a person when you interact with it. But this is the category error we make with corporations. We sometimes mistake the organization for its spokesperson. AI has a fully relational interface—it talks like a person—but it has an equally fully systemic implementation. Like a corporation, but much more so. The implementation and interface are more divergent of anything we have encountered to date…by a lot."

"It's no accident that these corporate AIs have a human-like interface. There's nothing inevitable about that. It's a design choice. It could be designed to be less personal, less human-like, more obviously a service—like a search engine . The companies behind those AIs want you to make the friend/service category error. It will exploit your mistaking it for a friend. And you might not have any choice but to use it."




  • @mikaelbook

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