
Signature of 3-D density structure in spectra of the spheroidal free oscillation 0S2

, and .
Geophysical Journal International, 192 (1): 285-294 (November 2012)


Gravimeter records of three recent megathrust earthquakes are used to investigate the splitting of the fundamental spheroidal mode 0S2. Benefiting from recent improvements in the design and performance of superconducting gravimeters and using multitapers for the spectral analysis we obtain singlet frequencies with smaller and more robust error bars than previous studies. Based on forward modelling experiments we can show that the errors of the singlet frequencies are small enough to enable discrimination between physically plausible 3-D density models. We present an estimate of the rotational splitting parameter of 0S2, which provides a linear integral constraint on the spherically symmetric mass density distribution much like the Earth's mass or the Earth's moment of inertia do and whose relative error is smaller than that of the Earth's mass.



  • @mho

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