
Gel-forming patchy colloids and network glass formers: Thermodynamic and Dynamic analogies

Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


I will discuss thermodynamic and dynamic properties of simple models of particles with patchy interactions. Results provide, simultaneously, a description of network-forming liquids like water and silica as well as of Pine-colloids, the new generation of molecular colloids. We show that the possibility of controlling the number of bonded nearest neighbors interactions has interesting consequences on the thermodynamic of the system: (i) It reduces the region of the phase diagram where liquid-gas coexistence is observed\\ (ii) it offers the possibility of generating liquid states (i.e. states with temperature lower than the liquid-gas critical temperature) with a vanishing occupied packing fraction, a case can not be realized with spherically interacting particles;\\ (iii) it opens up the region of stability of the liquid phase, favoring the establishment of homogeneous disordered materials at small packing fraction, which can be named accordingly stable equilibrium gels or network glasses. Finally, I will show how combining the Wertheim theory for associated liquids and the Flory-Stockmayer theory for chemical gels it is possible to provide a parameter-free description of the self-assembly process in patchy particles, when the average functionality (average number of patches per particle) is small.


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  • @statphys23

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