
Atomic term symbols via partitioning techniques

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 111 (12): 2844--2850 (Oktober 2011)
DOI: 10.1002/qua.22765


Abstract Two techniques for obtaining Russell–Saunders term symbols (terms) for equivalent electrons is presented. Both techniques are based on partitioning the n equivalent electrons into a set of α electrons and a set of β electrons. Fundamental tables are presented that give the number of states for the α or β electrons for all possible values M αL(M βL) and Sα(Sβ). One interpretation of these tables leads to the total number of states of the n equivalent electrons for values of L and S. From this the number of terms for L and S is easily determined. Another interpretation of the fundamental tables gives the maximum number of terms for n equivalent electrons with values of L and S. From this the actual number of terms is obtained. Examples of equivalent p, d, f, and g electrons are provided. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2011



  • @drmatusek

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