
K.S. Sitaram, an Early Interculturalist: Founding the Field May 6, 1970

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36 (6): 857--868 (ноября 2012)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2012.08.016


This essay provides a retrospective of the leadership and academic contributions of K.S. Sitaram (1935–2009) with an emphasis on his early work career in India and his 1969 doctoral dissertation on Indian radio; his early influence in the development of the study of intercultural communication and his coauthored 1976 text, Foundations of Intercultural Communication with its stress on Asian communication; his further development of an understanding of Asian communication, particularly through Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam in his 1995 text, Communication and Culture: A World View; his co-chairmanship of the 1995–2001 Rochester Intercultural Conferences and co-editorship of the 1998 Civic Discourse: Multiculturalism, Cultural Diversity, and Global Communication and 1999 Civic Discourse: Intercultural, International, and Global Media; and a summary of his professional contributions. ⺠K.S. Sitaram proposed as Division 5 for ICA, Intercultural and Developmental Communication, on May 6, 1970. ⺠Sitaram's books included: Co-author, Foundations of Intercultural Communication (1976); Author, Communication and Culture: A World View (1995); coeditor, Civil Discourse: Multiculturalism, Cultural Diversity, and Global Communication (1998); and coeditor, Civic Discourse: intercultural, International, and Global Media (1999). ⺠Sitaram was cochair of the six Rochester Intercultural Conferences (1995–2001), and was the keynoter for the first conference, '' Intercultural Communication: The Last Twenty-Five Years and the Next.'' ⺠Sitaram was a strong advocate for intercultural communication as a means toward international peace.


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