
Dedicated Portable Real Time Multiple-Patients Monitoring System using Zigbee

, , and .
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 5 (9): 1-6 (December 2018)


Telemedicine for multiple patients monitoring has been developed as a monitoring system to monitor the status of patient’s health. Real time multiple patients monitoring system (RTMPMS) is applied in areas where real-time vital function analysis takes place. A state-of-the-art, PC and arduino based, integrated, low-cost, small, portable, low power consumption, ZigBee communication with health monitoring system and alarm system has been studied in this paper. Human’s body temperature, electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart rate information have been acquired and sent to a computer using ZigBee communication. The system in this paper will monitor three patients simultaneously by one computer through multiple Xbee transceivers. The graphical user interface (GUI) has been set up to display/store the body temperature reading, ECG data, pulse rate information in real time and patients records using LabView. The user interface has alarm system which will be activated if one parameter increased the range. The open architecture system design offers scalability, standard interfaces, flexible signal interpretation possibility and effective monitoring system. This system shows how arduino with the computer through ZigBee can be feasible in patient monitoring and patient data retrieval. Through this way, real-time remotely monitoring is achieved.



  • @ijisme_beiesp

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