
The Liberal Foundations of Media Reform? Creating Sustainable Funding Opportunities for Radical Media Reform

. Global Media Journal - Australian Edition, 2 (1): 1--16 (2008)


Today in America, tens of thousands of philanthropic foundations finance social change and, in the year 2000 alone, these foundations distributed \$26.7 billion worth of grants. To date, while scholarly attention has been paid to the role of right-wing foundations in promoting a neoliberal media environment, few studies have critiqued the role of liberal foundations in funding similar media reforms. Thus with next to no critical inquiry from media researchers, the Ford Foundation – which is arguably one of the most influencial liberal foundations – supplied over \$292 million to American public broadcasting between 1951 and 1977 and continues to fund progressive media groups like FreePress and Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. This paper provides a much needed overview of the problematic nexus between liberal philanthropy and progressive media reform, and concludes by providing a number of recommendations for how media activists may begin to move away from their (arguably unsustainable) reliance on liberal philanthropy.

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