
Adding workflow analysis techniques to the IS development toolkit

, and . System Sciences, 1998., Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on, 4, page 312-321 vol.4. (1998)
DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.1998.655287


The new generation of workflow technology is predicated on a newIS application architecture in which workflow logic is managed byworkflow systems while task logic is supported by application systems.In this workflow-enabled environment, it is no longer adequate to thinkof IS development in terms of isolated applications that serveindividual business functions (often referred to as islands ofautomation). Rather, developers need to design information systems thatare workflow-aware. Although workflow technology has been adopted bymany organizations and in many cases has provided substantialproductivity gains, workflow application development projects are stillundertaken on an ad hoc basis. To promote better quality andproductivity in workflow-enabled system development, we proposed aworkflow-aware, IS development methodology, WISDM, to guide developersin creating workflow-aware applications. We describe how DynamicWorkflow Management, a workflow modeling framework, is employed in WISDMto guide the construction of logical models in the analysis phase

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