
An independent platform for the monitoring, analysis and adaptation of web sites

. RecSys '08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Recommender systems, page 299--302. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2008)
DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1454008.1454057


The analysis, design and maintenance of Web sites involves two significant challenges: managing the services and content available, and secondly, making the site dynamically adequate to user's needs. These challenges can be addressed by automating several of the management activities of a Web site. In this work we propose to develop a platform that can be used for that purpose, which is independent of the Web site. We started by developing a data warehouse that stores data about the usage, content and structure of a Web site. We have also developed a tool that uses the data in the data warehouse and provides information to the editor to monitor the activity on the Web site as well as the site itself. We have recently begun to develop multidimensional recommender systems that take advantage of the wealth of the data in the data warehouse. Both simulated and live tests are carried out to test the platform.


An independent platform for the monitoring, analysis and adaptation of web sites

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  • @mschuber
  • @dblp
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