
Attributable fractions: bias from broad definition of exposure.

. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 12 (5): 518-20 (September 2001)6068<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>LR: 20071115; JID: 9009644; RF: 15; ppublish;<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Risc atribuïble.


In certain special situations, simplification of an exposure measure into a dichotomy results in no bias from nondifferential misclassification when estimating the attributable fraction for äny exposure." This fact has led to recommendations to use a broad definition of exposure when estimating attributable fractions. I here review the assumptions underlying exposure simplification, focusing on the assumptions that the source and target populations have the same exposure distribution and that complete risk removal is possible. I argue that attributable fraction estimates based on dichotomization can be especially sensitive to violations of these assumptions, and hence misleading for projecting the impact of exposure reduction. I conclude that it is important to obtain and use detailed exposure and covariate information for attributable-fraction estimation.

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