
We study the three-flavor chirally and dilatation invariant extended Linear Sigma Model with (pseudo)scalar and (axial-)vector mesons as well as a scalar dilaton field whose excitations are interpreted as a glueball. The model successfully describes masses and decay widths of quark-antiquark mesons in the low-energy region up to 1.6 GeV. Here we study in detail the vacuum properties of the scalar-isoscalar channel and find that (i) a narrow glueball is only possible if the vacuum expectation value of the dilaton field is (at tree-level) quite large (i.e., larger than what lattice QCD and QCD sum rules suggest) and (ii) that only solutions in which f0(1710) is predominantly a glueball are found. Moreover, the resonance f0(1370) turns out to be mainly nonstrange quark-antiquark state and thus corresponds to the chiral partner of the pion, while the resonance f0(1500) is mainly strange quark-antiquark state.

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