
All our messages are belong to us: usable confidentiality in social networks

, , , and . Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web, page 519--520. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2012)
DOI: 10.1145/2187980.2188106


Current online social networking (OSN) sites pose severe risks to their users' privacy. Facebook in particular is capturing more and more of a user's past activities, sometimes starting from the day of birth. Instead of transiently passing on information between friends, a user's data is stored persistently and therefore subject to the risk of undesired disclosure. Traditionally, a regular user of a social network has little awareness of her privacy needs in the Web or is not ready to invest a considerable effort in securing her online activities. Furthermore, the centralised nature of proprietary social networking platforms simply does not cater for end-to-end privacy protection mechanisms. In this paper, we present a non-disruptive and lightweight integration of a confidentiality mechanism into OSNs. Additionally, direct integration of visual security indicators into the OSN UI raise the awareness for (un)protected content and thus their own privacy. We present a fully-working prototype for Facebook and an initial usability study, showing that, on average, untrained users can be ready to use the service in three minutes.


All our messages are belong to us

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