
Enhanced Architecture of a Web Warehouse based on Quality Evaluation Framework to Incorporate Quality Aspects in Web Warehouse Creation

. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2011)


In the recent years, it has been observed that World Wide Web (www) became a vast source of information explosion about all areas of interest. Relevant information retrieval is difficult from the web space as there is no universal configuration and organization of the web data. Taking the advantage of data warehouse functionality and integrating it with the web to retrieve relevant data is the core concept of web warehouse. It is a repository that store relevant web data for business decision making. The basic function of web warehouse is to collect and store the information for analysis of users. The quality of web warehouse data affects a lot on data analysis. To enhance the quality of decision making different quality dimensions must be incorporated in web warehouse architecture. In this paper enhanced web warehouse architecture is proposed and discussed. The enhancement in the existing architecture is based on the quality evaluation framework. The enhanced architecture adds three layers in existing architecture to insure quality at various phases of web warehouse system creation. The source assessment, query evaluation and data quality layers enhance the quality of data store in web warehouse.

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