
Two paradigms characterize much of the researchin the Information Systems discipline: behavioralscience and design science. The behavioralscienceparadigm seeks to develop and verifytheories that explain or predict human or organizationalbehavior. The design-science paradigmseeks to extend the boundaries of human andorganizational capabilities by creating new andinnovative artifacts. Both paradigms are foundationalto the IS discipline, positioned as it is at theconfluence of people, organizations, and technology.Our objective is to describe the performanceof design-science research in Information Systemsvia a concise conceptual framework andclear guidelines for understanding, executing, andevaluating the research. In the design-scienceparadigm, knowledge and understanding of aproblem domain and its solution are achieved inthe building and application of the designed artifact.Three recent exemplars in the researchliterature are used to demonstrate the application of these guidelines. We conclude with an analysisof the challenges of performing high-qualitydesign-science research in the context of thebroader IS community.

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