
A Cluster-Based Overlay Network Embedding Using Ruckpack++ Algorithm In Distributed Environment

. International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 12 (02): 4555-4560 (октября 2020)
DOI: 10.35444/IJANA.2020.12203


Network Virtualization is one of the emerging fields of Research as it becomes pillar of the future Network. Here, Overlay Network Embedding (Virtual Network Embedding) is the major problem to be addressed to have optimized resource utilization. The main purpose of Overlay Network embedding is to efficiently utilize the physically networked resources to offer the supporting of virtual nodes. While most of the Overlay Network Embedding algorithms consider it as a mapping problem, Ruckpack++ algorithm uses cluster-based and greedy approach to select the optimized physical node. In the proposed algorithm, topology awareness is also included. Extensive simulations have shown that the proposed algorithm produces better Acceptance Ratio and node Utilization when compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms.

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