
The gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem that affects the development, immunological responses and nutritional status of the host. Efforts are being made to unravel the complex interaction between the gut microbiome and host to have a greater understanding about its role in human health. Colonization of the gut by microbes begins at birth, but the succession and composition of the microbial community depends on a number of factors including, but not limited to, the age, diet, genetic composition, gender, geographic location, and health status of an individual. Therefore, inclusion of diverse human subjects in the study of the gut microbiome is indispensable. However, conducting such studies in India presents unique opportunities and challenges. The vast diversity in human genetic composition, dietary habits, and geographic distribution that exists in the Indian population adds to the complexity in understanding the gut microbiome. Gut microbiome-related studies from other parts of the world have reported a possible association of diseases such as obesity and diabetes with the human gut microbiome. In contrast, an in-depth assessment of risk factors associated with altered gut microbiome in such diseases in the Indian population is lacking. Studies including the Indian population may give insights into the association of the gut microbiome with various factors and diseases that may not be possible from studies on western populations. This review briefly discusses the significance of the gut microbiome on human health and the present status of gut microbiome studies in the Indian population. In addition, this review will highlight the unique opportunities and challenges for gut microbiome studies in the Indian population.

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