
Anomalous random multipolar driven insulators

, , , and .
Phys. Rev. B, 105 (24): 245119 (Jun 13, 2022)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245119


It is by now well established that periodically driven quantum many-body systems can realize topological nonequilibrium phases without any equilibrium counterpart. Here we show that, even in the absence of time translation symmetry, nonequilibrium topological phases of matter can exist in aperiodically driven systems for tunably parametrically long prethermal lifetimes. As a prerequisite, we first demonstrate the existence of long-lived prethermal Anderson localization in two dimensions under random multipolar driving. We then show that the localization may be topologically nontrivial with a quantized bulk orbital magnetization even though there are no well-defined Floquet operators. We further confirm the existence of this anomalous random multipolar driven insulator by detecting quantized charge pumping at the boundaries, which renders it experimentally observable.



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