
Specifická potřeba vody na výrobu 1 MWh elektrické energie ve významných provozech ČR

4., page 7--16. Praha, ČVUT, (September 2013)


How much water needed Czech energy sector to produce 1 MWh of electricity in the past decade? In the article there are published results of data analysis about the electricity production in the Czech Republic and water withdrawals and discharges. There were calculated water needs and consumptions to produce 1 MWh in the period 2002-2012. We can say that withdrawals and discharges in the Czech Republic are in the similar range as in the United States and the requirements of the Czech energy sector on water sources are not significantly different from the U.S. energy sector. On other side the analysis shows that the simple comparison of figures published at the national level may lead to completely incorrect conclusions if they are not evaluated with the knowledge of the context.



  • @libora

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