
How to make one HTTP request before the scenario?


Hi all, I managed to do what you want but only in hacky way:

val initStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false) val initCompleteLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) scenario("myScenario") .doIf(_ => initStarted.getAndSet(true) == false) { exec(http("first") .get("/endpoint") .check(, jsonPath("$").findAll.saveAs("reponseVariable") ) ).exec { session => reponseVariable = session("reponseVariable").as[String] initCompleteLatch.countDown() session } } .exec { session => initCompleteLatch.await() session.set("reponseVariable", reponseVariable) } .exec(http("second") .post("/another/endpoint/{responseVariable}") .body(...) .check( )

Hope it helps :) It can chain serveral requests, passthrough response along, and ensures first request is send only once.


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