
Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Age of Collaborative Economy (IRSDACE): National Report Germany

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IZA Research Report, 86. Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA), Bonn, (October 2018)


In Germany, a discrepancy appears evident between the attention paid to online platforms within the public discourse and the media on the one hand and the actual empirical relevance of this phenomenon on the other hand. A range of recent studies suggest a negligible incidence of platform work and ‘crowdwork’, a term frequently used as an encompassing concept in the German debate. However, expecting an increased significance of platform work in certain sectors (e.g. information and communication technologies, software development, local services to households etc.) appears to be a plausible scenario for the near future. Despite significant barriers in the areas of labour law and a range of socio-political issues, the underlying benefits in terms of a better matching of supply and demand and the rapid availability of information on market opportunities are apparent. Virtual market places both provide the basis for new service formats and generate a positive effect on both demand and employment. Nonetheless, recent business surveys indicate a gradual growth of the willingness to use crowdwork elements expanding from media and IT sectors to the manufacturing sector, particularly being witnessed in smaller businesses.



  • @meneteqel

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