
Diffuse Low-Ionization Gas in the Galactic Halo Casts Doubts on $z\simeq 0.03$ WHIM Detections

, , , , , , and . (2016)cite arxiv:1602.03533Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRAS (Letter).


In this Letter we demonstrate that the two claims of $z0.03$ OVII K$\alpha$ absorption lines from Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) along the lines of sight to the blazars H~2356-309 (Buote et al., 2009; Fang et al., 2010) and Mkn~501 (Ren, Fang & Buote, 2014) are likely misidentifications of the $z=0$ OII K$\beta$ line produced by a diffuse Low-Ionization Metal Medium in the Galaxy's Interstellar and Circum-Galactic mediums. We perform detailed modeling of all the available high signal-to-noise Chandra LETG and XMM-Newton RGS spectra of H 2356-309 and Mkn 501 and demonstrate that the $z0.03$ WHIM absorption along these two sightlines is statistically not required. Our results, however, do not rule out a small contribution from the $z0.03$ OVII K$\alpha$ absorber along the line of sight to H~2356-309. In our model the temperature of the putative $z = 0.031$ WHIM filament is T$= 310^5$ K and the OVII column density is N$_OV II 410^15$ cm$^-2$, twenty times smaller than the OVII column density previously reported, and now more consistent with the expectations from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations.


[1602.03533] Diffuse Low-Ionization Gas in the Galactic Halo Casts Doubts on $z\simeq 0.03$ WHIM Detections

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