
Next-Paradigm Programming Languages: What Will They Look Like and What Changes Will They Bring?

. (2019)cite arxiv:1905.00402.


The dream of programming language design is to bring about orders-of-magnitude productivity improvements in software development tasks. Designers can endlessly debate on how this dream can be realized and on how close we are to its realization. Instead, I would like to focus on a question with an answer that can be, surprisingly, clearer: what will be the common principles behind next-paradigm, high-productivity programming languages, and how will they change everyday program development? Based on my decade-plus experience of heavy-duty development in declarative languages, I speculate that certain tenets of high-productivity languages are inevitable. These include, for instance, enormous variations in performance (including automatic transformations that change the asymptotic complexity of algorithms); a radical change in a programmer's workflow, elevating testing from a near-menial task to an act of deep understanding; a change in the need for formal proofs; and more.


[1905.00402] Next-Paradigm Programming Languages: What Will They Look Like and What Changes Will They Bring?

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