
Evaluation of Ingestion Exposure to Microplastics Focusing on Korean Pregnant and Lactating Women

. International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research, 8 (3): 19-29 (März 2024)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10812976


Exposure to microplastics is rising as a global issue and specifically a nationwide concern in the Republic of Korea. In this regard, exposure to sensitive population groups, pregnant and lactating women, is essential. In this study, the exposure through ingestion was analyzed considering microplastic levels in potentially risky food items. To do this, I utilized the data provided by the National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation (NIFDS) of Korea and the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) to estimate the daily intake of microplastics, focusing on pregnant and lactating women. Results suggest that pregnant and lactating women have a significantly higher intake of microplastic during their pregnancy and lactating period due to a higher intake of seaweed items such as sea mustard, sea lettuce, and laver, compared to other women. Results are concerning as microplastic exposure during fetal development can cause serious health consequences. Accordingly, to protect sensitive groups including pregnant and lactating women, guidelines or regulations that monitor the concentration of microplastics are needed. Moreover, conducting health effect studies on acute and chronic exposure to microplastics for pregnant and lactating women, along with expanded studies on a wider spectrum of food sources are crucially required.

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