
The Analysis of the Distribution Mode of Rookie Network

. IJIRIS::International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 3 (3): 16-22 (March 2016)


With online shopping spreading quickly, China ' s e-commerce market is rapidly expanding; the e-commerce distribution bottlenecks gradual emerge. Logistics distribution has restricted the development of Taobao.It is proved that during the process of distributing activity, information processing and dispatching speed can be speeded up with computer, telecommunication and network technologies, so improving efficiency and competence greatly. Alibaba set up rookie network aimed at long-term growth. The necessary of setting up “Rookie network” as well as business models of“Rookie network” were detailed in this article. Last,the effects of Rookie Network on market was analyzed.


International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security is an International peer-reviewed research publishing journal with a laser-beam focal aim of promoting and publishing original high quality research dealing with theoretical and scientific aspects in all disciplines of Information Technology. It is a monthly published online international scientific research journal focusing on issues in information technology research.

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