
Product Description This book gives a practical introduction to model-based testing, showing how to write models for testing purposes and how to use model-based testing tools to generate test suites. It is aimed at testers and software developers who wish to use model-based testing, rather than at tool-developers or academics. The book focuses on the mainstream practice of functional black-box testing and covers different styles of models, especially transition-based models (UML state machines) and pre/post models (UML/OCL specifications and B notation). The steps of applying model-based testing are demonstrated on examples and case studies from a variety of software domains, including embedded software and information systems. From this book you will learn: * The basic principles and terminology of model-based testing * How model-based testing differs from other testing processes * How model-based testing fits into typical software lifecycles such as agile methods and the Unified Process * The benefits and limitations of model-based testing, its cost effectiveness and how it can reduce time-to-market * A step-by-step process for applying model-based testing * How to write good models for model-based testing * How to use a variety of test selection criteria to control the tests that are generated from your models * How model-based testing can connect to existing automated test execution platforms such as Mercury Test Director, Java JUnit, and proprietary test execution environments * Presents the basic principles and terminology of model-based testing * Shows how model-based testing fits into the software lifecycle, its cost-effectiveness, and how it can reduce time to market * Offers guidance on how to use different kinds of modeling techniques, useful test generation strategies, how to apply model-based testing techniques to real applications using case studies


MR: Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit Testorakeln bei MBT: "The main focus of this book (Chapters 3 to 7 and 9 and 10) is [...] the generation of executable test cases that include oracle information, based on models of the SUT behavior. This generation process includes the generation of input values and teh sequencing of calls into test sequences, but it also includes the generation of oracles that check the SUT outputs." Es werden 12 Beispiele und Case Studies aus verschiedenen Domänen behandelt, wobei mehrere Modellierungssprachen eingesetzt werden: UML, B, Z, FSM, EFSM, Spec\#. Es bring eine Übersicht über zur Zeit vorhandenen MBT-Tools und zugrunde liegenden Modelltypen. Hauptsächlich werden zwei Gruppen von Modelltypen betrachtet: - transition-based models (e.g., FSM and UML state machines, statecharts, LTS) - pre/post(conditions) models (or state-based notations) (e.g.,B machines and UML/OCL specifications) Auch Model Coverage Criteria für Testfallauswahl werden behandelt. Wie der Titel des Buches bereits verrät, werden die theoretischen Zusammenhänge und Ableitungen sehr stiefmütterlich behandelt! Oft findet man keine sinnvolle Begründung für bestimmte Behauptungen der Autoren. Hierzu siehe auch Product Description: "It is aimed at testers and software developers who wish to use model-based testing, rather than at tool-developers or academics."

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