
Gridap: An extensible Finite Element toolbox in Julia

, and . Journal of Open Source Software, 5 (52): 2520 (August 2020)
DOI: 10.21105/joss.02520


Gridap is a new Finite Element (FE) framework, exclusively written in the Julia programming language, for the numerical simulation of a wide range of mathematical models governed by partial differential equations (PDEs). The library provides a feature-rich set of discretization techniques, including continuous and discontinuous FE methods with Lagrangian, Raviart-Thomas, or Nédélec interpolations, and supports a wide range of problem types including linear, nonlinear, single-field, and multi-field PDEs (see (Badia, Martín, & Principe, 2018,Section 3) for a detailed presentation of the mathematical abstractions behind the implementation of these FE methods). Gridap is designed to help application experts to easily simulate real-world problems, to help researchers improve productivity when developing new FE-related techniques, and also for its usage in numerical PDE courses.

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