
he text gives an introduction to agent technologies and the JADE Platform, before proceeding to give a comprehensive guide to programming with JADE. Basic features such as creating agents, agent tasks, agent communication, agent discovery and GUIs are covered, as well as more advanced features including ontologies and content languages, complex behaviours, interaction protocols, agent mobility, and the in-process interface. Issues such as JADE internals, running JADE agents on mobile devices, deploying a fault tolerant JADE platform, and main add-ons (such as WSIG, semantics framework, and ASCML) are also covered in depth. Various features to enhance learning are offered, including numerous examples, problems, and illustrations, and a case study demonstrating the use of JADE in practice.

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  • @flint63
  • @neilernst
  • @helioh2
  • @dblp
  • @abytearray
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